• Послуги

    Компанія SPP Development Ukraine пропонує повний спектр послуг, які охоплюють всі етапи життєвого циклу проекту - від початкового планування та проектування до будівництва, введення в експлуатацію та подальшого обслуговування. Ми гарантуємо надійні та технологічно інноваційні проекти, що відповідають найвищим стандартам якості та ефективності. Наші фахівці використовують передові технології та практики, щоб забезпечити якісне та ефективне виконання проектів

  • Сфери діяльності

    SPP Development Ukraine є професіоналом в Енергетиці та ІТ&телекомунікаційної сферах. Ми маємо значний досвід та експертизу у проектуванні, розробці та реалізації проектів, включаючи вітро- та сонячні електростанції, Системи Накопичення Енергії, та гібридні рішення. Наша команда займається створенню надійних, стійких та технологічно передових проектів, які відповідають найвищим стандартам якості та ефективності, використовуючи передові технології та практики.

  • Інвесторам

    Співпраця з SPP Development Ukraine - це чудова можливість для інвесторів отримати доступ до зростаючого ринку енергетичної інфраструктури. Наше партнерство забезпечує інвесторам можливість успішних інвестицій у сектор енергетики. Ми гарантуємо підтримку наших партнерів на кожному етапі проекту та використовуємо передові практики та технології, щоб забезпечити максимальну якість та ефективність реалізації проектів. Наша мета - забезпечити нашим партнерам успіх та зростання в енергетичному секторі.

  • Сталий розвиток

    SPP Development Ukraine - це відповідальна та передова компанія, яка зосереджена на створенні проектів, які будуть не тільки надійними, стійкими та технологічно передовими, але й сприятимуть побудові більш сталої та стійкої енергетичної системи. Ми віримо, що сталість є ключовим фактором для забезпечення довгострокового успіху та прибутковості, тому ми прагнемо інтегрувати сталий розвиток у всі аспекти нашої роботи, починаючи з проектування та розробки і закінчуючи будівництвом та підтримкою.

  • Кар'єра

    Бажаєте стати одним із тих, хто будує світ завтрашнього? Тоді SPP Development Ukraine - місце для вас. На нашому сайті ви можете дізнатися про актуальні вакансії, ознайомитися нашою компанію та з'ясувати, кого ми шукаємо. Приєднуйтеся до нашої команди, якщо ви хочете реалізувати свій потенціал та внести свій внесок у розвиток енергетичної інфраструктури країни.

  • Новини

    SPP Development Ukraine is an international successful developer that implements investment projects in the field of renewable energy, engineering and IT infrastructure, telecommunications. EPC and full-service company, including O&M service.

  • Про компанію

    SPP Development Ukraine is an international successful developer that implements investment projects in the field of renewable energy, engineering and IT infrastructure, telecommunications. EPC and full-service company, including O&M service.


про історію







We are a group of companies in Ukraine. Our professional team is represented by directions:

SPP Development is a developer of its own projects in the field of renewable energy, recognized as the best projects for investment.

  • SPP Development Ukraine is a renewable development company dedicated to implementing investment grade utility scale solar power plants
  • SPP Development Ukraine is founded and managed by a strong professional team.

The only company in Ukraine, which has at its disposal absolutely the entire material and technical base (equipment, construction machines, concrete plant), a staff of professional engineers – designers, electrical engineers, author’s supervision and technical supervision, a staff of experienced employees.

We are a group of companies in Ukraine. Our professional team is represented by directions:

SPP Development is a developer of its own projects in the field of renewable energy, recognized as the best projects for investment.

  • SPP Development Ukraine is a renewable development company dedicated to implementing investment grade utility scale solar power plants
  • SPP Development Ukraine is founded and managed by a strong professional team.
  • SPP Development Ukraine is a renewable development company dedicated to implementing investment grade utility scale solar power plants
  • SPP Development Ukraine is founded and managed by a strong professional team.

The only company in Ukraine, which has at its disposal absolutely the entire material and technical base (equipment, construction machines, concrete plant), a staff of professional engineers – designers, electrical engineers, author’s supervision and technical supervision, a staff of experienced employees.

We are a group of companies in Ukraine. Our professional team is represented by directions:

SPP Development is a developer of its own projects in the field of renewable energy, recognized as the best projects for investment.

  • SPP Development Ukraine is a renewable development company dedicated to implementing investment grade utility scale solar power plants
  • SPP Development Ukraine is founded and managed by a strong professional team.
  • SPP Development Ukraine is a renewable development company dedicated to implementing investment grade utility scale solar power plants
  • SPP Development Ukraine is founded and managed by a strong professional team.

The only company in Ukraine, which has at its disposal absolutely the entire material and technical base (equipment, construction machines, concrete plant), a staff of professional engineers – designers, electrical engineers, author’s supervision and technical supervision, a staff of experienced employees.

We are a group of companies in Ukraine. Our professional team is represented by directions:

SPP Development is a developer of its own projects in the field of renewable energy, recognized as the best projects for investment.

  • SPP Development Ukraine is a renewable development company dedicated to implementing investment grade utility scale solar power plants
  • SPP Development Ukraine is founded and managed by a strong professional team.
  • SPP Development Ukraine is a renewable development company dedicated to implementing investment grade utility scale solar power plants
  • SPP Development Ukraine is founded and managed by a strong professional team.

The only company in Ukraine, which has at its disposal absolutely the entire material and technical base (equipment, construction machines, concrete plant), a staff of professional engineers – designers, electrical engineers, author’s supervision and technical supervision, a staff of experienced employees.

We are a group of companies in Ukraine. Our professional team is represented by directions:

SPP Development is a developer of its own projects in the field of renewable energy, recognized as the best projects for investment.

  • SPP Development Ukraine is a renewable development company dedicated to implementing investment grade utility scale solar power plants
  • SPP Development Ukraine is founded and managed by a strong professional team.
  • SPP Development Ukraine is a renewable development company dedicated to implementing investment grade utility scale solar power plants
  • SPP Development Ukraine is founded and managed by a strong professional team.

The only company in Ukraine, which has at its disposal absolutely the entire material and technical base (equipment, construction machines, concrete plant), a staff of professional engineers – designers, electrical engineers, author’s supervision and technical supervision, a staff of experienced employees.

We are a group of companies in Ukraine. Our professional team is represented by directions:

SPP Development is a developer of its own projects in the field of renewable energy, recognized as the best projects for investment.

  • SPP Development Ukraine is a renewable development company dedicated to implementing investment grade utility scale solar power plants
  • SPP Development Ukraine is founded and managed by a strong professional team.
  • SPP Development Ukraine is a renewable development company dedicated to implementing investment grade utility scale solar power plants
  • SPP Development Ukraine is founded and managed by a strong professional team.

The only company in Ukraine, which has at its disposal absolutely the entire material and technical base (equipment, construction machines, concrete plant), a staff of professional engineers – designers, electrical engineers, author’s supervision and technical supervision, a staff of experienced employees.