Solar Power Plant 3,514 MW (DC)
About Project
As a leader in renewable energy solutions, SPP Development Ulraine is proud to bring this remarkable SPP2,700 MW (АС) & 3,514(DC) project.
Our Solar Power Plant is designed to make the most of this clean and renewable resource, providing a significant contribution to global efforts in combating climate change and reducing carbon emissions.
Situated in a prime location that maximizes exposure to sunlight, our Solar Power Plant utilizes state-of-the-art photovoltaic technology to convert solar radiation into electricity. The plant is equipped with cutting-edge solar panels, featuring high-efficiency cells that capture sunlight with unprecedented precision.
At our every project, we prioritize environmental sustainability, operational excellence, and technological innovation. Our dedicated team of experts meticulously oversees every aspect of the project, from site selection and design to construction and maintenance. We adhere to the highest industry standards and employ the latest advancements in renewable energy technology to deliver exceptional results.

SPP Development Ukraine
Central region
5,25 ha
Ready-to-build stage
External component
Substation 35/10 kV
Commissioning expected
For investor
SPP Development Ukraine is pleased to offer investment opportunities in our best technological energy projects at the RTB stage, with our full support. By investing in our projects, you can not only benefit from attractive financial returns, but also contribute to the growth and sustainability of the energy industry in Ukraine.
Our team of experts is available to answer any questions and provide guidance throughout the investment process.
If you are interested in learning more please our suggestion or contact us directly.